Zsolt Timar

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  2. Zsolt Timar
  3. Timar Zsolt
Zsolt Timar
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Zsolt Timar
Number of games in database: 17
Years covered: 1985 to 2004
Highest rating achieved in database: 2149
Overall record: +4 -5 =8 (47.1%)*
* Overall winning percentage = (wins+draws/2) / total games.

Zsolt is a very competent plant designer with a good depth of technical and manegerial knowledge. Zsolt has an excellent working relationship with everyone on the project and is well appreciated.

Comprehensive Zsolt Timar chess games collection, opening repertoire, tournament history, PGN download, biography and news. Budapest, March 5 (MTI) - Hungary's chief veterinary officer has ordered the disinfection of lorries and other vehicles at Ukraine's border with Hungary as a precaution against the African swine fever virus. Zsolt Timar vs B Thuroczy: 0-1: 20: 1990? D09 Queen's Gambit Declined, Albin Counter Gambit, 5.g3: 4. B Bison vs Zsolt Timar: ½-½: 16: 1992: WT/M/GT/309: A45 Queen's Pawn Game: 5. Zsolt Timar vs J Szigeti: 1-0: 27: 1993: Szeged op: A52 Budapest Gambit: 6. Zsolt Timar vs V Aleshnya: ½-½: 37: 1999: WC23/EWC01-SF08: E61 King's Indian: 7. Born: 1969: Results: Win: 36.1% (143) Loss: 29.8% (118) Draw: 34.1% (135) Total:396: White Results: Win: 40.3% (73) Loss: 25.4% (46) Draw: 34.3% (62) Total:181.

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(born Jan-31-1969, 52 years old) Hungary

[what is this?]
He is a Senior IMC.

page 1 of 1; 17 games
1. Szabo vs Zsolt Timar0-1301985cr-gameB96 Sicilian, Najdorf
2. S Szenczy vs Zsolt Timar1-0191988corr HungaryA29 English, Four Knights, Kingside Fianchetto
3. Zsolt Timar vs B Thuroczy0-1201990?D09 Queen's Gambit Declined, Albin Counter Gambit, 5.g3
4. B Bison vs Zsolt Timar½-½161992WT/M/GT/309A45 Queen's Pawn Game
5. Zsolt Timar vs J Szigeti1-0271993Szeged opA52 Budapest Gambit
6. Y Dothan vs Zsolt Timar½-½291999WC23/EWC01-SF08B97 Sicilian, Najdorf
7. Zsolt Timar vs D Blair1-0261999WC23/EWC01-SF08E62 King's Indian, Fianchetto
8. C Blanco Gramajo vs Zsolt Timar½-½171999WC23/EWC01-SF08D51 Queen's Gambit Declined
9. Zsolt Timar vs V Aleshnya½-½371999WC23/EWC01-SF08E61 King's Indian
10. Zsolt Timar vs H Bross0-1451999ICCF Email - corrE15 Queen's Indian
11. J Rodriguez Lopez vs Zsolt Timar1-0441999WC23/EWC01-SF08E91 King's Indian
12. A Mascarenhas vs Zsolt Timar½-½241999WC23/EWC01-SF08D56 Queen's Gambit Declined
13. G Lambers vs Zsolt Timar0-1161999WC23/EWC01-SF08B92 Sicilian, Najdorf, Opocensky Variation
14. Zsolt Timar vs H F Glaser½-½311999WC23/EWC01-SF08E63 King's Indian, Fianchetto, Panno Variation
15. T Gacso vs Zsolt Timar½-½151999Cseppko opE09 Catalan, Closed
16. Zsolt Timar vs D Lafarga Santorroman0-1412002WC.2003.T.00005D47 Queen's Gambit Declined Semi-Slav
17. Zsolt Timar vs Y Guzikov½-½202004cr-gameE54 Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3, Gligoric System
page 1 of 1; 17 games
REFINE SEARCH:White wins (1-0) Black wins (0-1) Draws (1/2-1/2) Zsolt Timar wins Zsolt Timar loses

Dr Timar Zsolt


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The international journal, Pathology Oncology Research (PORE), established in 1995 by the founding Editors, László Kopper, Judit Nagy, Zsolt Orosz and József Tímár. The aim of launching PORE was to promote pathological and oncological publishing activity of scientists in Central and East Europe. Those were the years when the 200 year old conservative science, histopathology, began to transform into a „rocket science” discipline with the development of molecular pathology. These developments affected the every day routine of diagnostic pathology but fundamentally affected also the clinical practice as well. Major beneficiary of that transformation was medical oncology. As the Founding Editors were active participants of these changes the profile of the new Journal was unquestionable. The owner and founder of PORE is the Arányi Lajos Foundation for Modern Pathology. The Foundation is named after Lajos Arányi (1812-1887), the founding father of the first pathology department in Hungary back to 1844 at the Medical Faculty of Pazmany University, Budapest (est. 1769, today Semmelweis University). This was the 5th Department after Vienna, Edinburgh, Strasburg and Paris. Arányi was the author of the first Hungarian textbook of pathology (1864) and his research included edema, narcosis and suffocation. Arányi’s idea of complementary private support for state-financed medical institutions was revitalized by the founders of Arányi Lajos Foundation who became the founders of the new Journal as well.

The lunch of the new journal happened in 1995 with one issue [1] and the first complete publishing year was 1996 with 4 issues containing 24 original articles, 7 reviews and 7 case reports. Starting as a PubMed-referred Journal, obtained an international reputation backed by the publisher Saunders (Elsevier) for years. PORE received its first impact factor in 2004 when was run independently by the Foundation. From 2007 the publisher of PORE is Springer (later on the Springer-Nature group) the help of which PORE outgrown as a really international translational science Journal still run by its founding editors, László Kopper and József Tímár and an International Editorial Board but still with a significant presence of the Semmelweis Faculties. Till today PORE published appr. 2300 articles for those appr. 2100 citations can be found in the biomedical literature and the yearly usage of the Journal’s articles passed 105 downloads. Equally important is that the latest Thompson-Reuters impact factor of PORE is now 2.44 ranked 56th among 202 Pathology titles and 183rd among 368 Oncology titles according to Scimago SJR. As compared to the first volume in 1995-96, in the 2019/volume 25, PORE published 4 reviews, 219 original articles, 2 Short Communications and 7 Letters. The number of yearly submissions passed 1000 with an acceptance rate of 25%. PORE reached its adult age but still has a growing potential if can accomodate to the changing scientific publishing environment.


  1. 1.

    Kopper L (1995) Prologue. Pathol Oncol Res 1:6

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Correspondence to L. Kopper or J. Tímár.

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Zsolt Timar

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Zsolt Timar

Timar Zsolt

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Kopper, L., Tímár, J. 25th Anniversary of Pathology Oncology Research. Pathol. Oncol. Res.26, 1 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12253-020-00795-2

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12253-020-00795-2