

Imac Zuruecksetzen

* Perpetual Personallizenzs include 1 month of support and 6 months of free updates. A perpetual personal license can be used only by the named person who purchased it. License transfer and concurrent usage are prohibited. Personal licenses purchased by organizations and business entities are invalid. Personal licenses can be used solely for non-commercial purposes. We don't provide invoices for personal licenses. If you are the only person planning to use the license, then the Personallizenz is the best choice for you. You are also not allowed to use kon-boot on computers which are not your property. ** Perpetual Kommerzielle Lizenzs are available to a developer within a a company or organization, requiring the software for general commercial use. They include 6 months support and 1 year of free updates. Kommerzielle Lizenzs registered to a legal entity allow for use of the software on any computer, operating system, and by the registered user within the legal entity. The provided total number of concurrent users cannot exceed the number of purchased licenses. Please note: One kon-boot license permits the user to install kon-boot on only one USB pendrive. In other words one license can be used to activate one USB pendrive only (you cannot use the same license to activate different USB pendrive). Software will be only available for download during free support period so please store it in secure location.
Refund policy: You have 7 days to submit a refund request starting from the day of your purchase. If kon-boot worked on at least one of your machines you are not qualified for refund. Not meeting system requirements cases will not be refunded. In order to get a refund you will need to provide a video demonstrating your problems with kon-boot (specifically booting target system with kon-boot media). Refund requests without proof of not working (video recording) will not be accepted. Due to numerous cases of scam/extortion cases 'accidental' purchases will not be refunded. Ignoring the system requirements is also not qualified for refund. Please purchase wisely!

Zuruecksetzen Auf Frueheres Datum

» Tabular list of translations always
» List of translations starting with the same letters
» zur zurück zurücksetzen
NOUNdas Zurücksetzen -
VERBzurücksetzen setzte zurück/zurücksetzte zurückgesetzt
SYNOeliminieren entfernen ...
to reverseautomot.
to remove
to relocate
to reset
to restore [reset]
to backup
to reposition
to backout
to backset
to set back
to backspace
to back off [vehicle]
to return [put back]
zurücksetzen [heruntersetzen]
to reduce [price]comm.
zurücksetzen [Auto etc.]
to back
jdn. zurücksetzen [benachteiligen]
to neglect sb.
jdn. zurücksetzen [fig.]
to slight sb. [disregard]
jdn./etw. zurücksetzen
to set sb./sth. back
jdn./etw. zurücksetzen [nach hinten setzen oder bewegen][Auto, Kind etc.]
to move sb./sth. back
zurücksetzen [Haus etc.]
to set back
zurücksetzen [verbilligen]
to mark down [price]comm.
Zurücksetzen {n}
schrittweise zurücksetzen
to backspace
sich zurücksetzen [örtlich]
to sit back [two rows etc.]
automatisches Zurücksetzen {n}
automatic reset
das Passwort zurücksetzen
to reset the passwordcomp.
ein Auto zurücksetzen
to reverse a carautomot.
einen Zähler zurücksetzen
to reset a counter
in die Garage zurücksetzen
to back into the garage
to reverse into the garage
auf null einstellen / setzen / zurücksetzen
to reset to zero [e.g. counter]electr.tech.

Id Zuruecksetzen

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