Quotes Eten

Instead of killing animals for their meat and fur, it is better to eat vegetables.

  1. Grappige Quotes Eten
  2. Quotes Over Eten En Drinken
  3. Quotes Eternal Love

In this post, we are sharing Vegetarian slogans that can be used in awareness campaigns to educate and motivate people to be Vegetarian.

“Creativity is not so much a boundless well, but an all-you-can-eat buffet of elements for your creative endeavor. Eventually you've eaten your fill, and it's time to digest and then make something. But at some point, it will be time to return to the restaurant.” ― Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration. Man who invented the hamburger was smart; man who invented the cheeseburger was a genius. Nothing brings people together like a generous spread of delicious food. It’s the universal unifier. Food serves as a cultural marker, attends every milestone and celebration, and can be dressed up or down. Food is where the heart is.

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Quotes Eten

We have also shared Vegetarian sayings to let you know what famous people from all around the world think about being a vegetarian.

Vegetarian Slogans

I’m proud to be a vegetarian

Leave meat, change your life

Hug a vegetarian

Love animals, eat plants

Animals love me–plants fear me

Vegetarian, no blood on my hands

Feed it, don’t eat it

Live green and go green

Save animals – Be vegetarian

Free animals – Eat vegetables

Grappige Quotes Eten

Be a cow boy not a cow eater

If something have heart beat then don’t eat it

Keep calm and vegan on

Vegetarian taste better

Vegetarians save lives

This earth for all of us so go Vegan

I am vegetarian why you not?

I love animals-just not for dinner

Don’t ask me why I’m a vegetarian-ask yourself why you’re not

I am vegan because I have heart in my body

Stop animal testing

Animals are our friends not our food

Quotes Over Eten En Drinken

Thing vegetarian, go vegetarian

I am vegetarian, I save lives

For animals rights, be a vegetarian

Kick out the meat from your life

My body will not be a tomb for other animals

Hug a vegetarian

Animals are my friends and I don’t eat my friends

Beef: It’s what’s rotting in your colon

Fish is not a vegetable

Vegetarian because I know better


Animals die to keep your fat *** alive

How can you be pro-life and eat dead animals

Quotes Eternal Love

I think therefore I am vegetarian

Vegetarianism for peace–nonviolence begins with your diet

I’m not a vegetarian because I love animals–I’m a vegetarian because I hate plants

If you aren’t a vegetarian you don’t know beans

Live and let live–go veg*n

If you’re not vegetarian, you’re guilty of animal cruelty whether you know it or not

Animals love me–plants fear me

Vegan food is delicious too

I don’t eat my friends

Meat is Murder! Delicious murder

Fish Are Friends Not Food!

If You Eat Mice You Get No Rice!

Peace, Love, Vegetarian

I don’t have death on my breath – Go vegan

Only cowards eat the meat of a living thing

Veganism is as good as it gets

Only hypocrites eat meat and say they love animals

It feels good to be a vegetarian

Make peace not sausages

Avoid the meat, try some beets?

Eat beets not meats

Love animals, don’t wear them

Vegan: Stop specialism

Vegetarian Sayings

If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian. -Paul McCartney

Economy forced me to become a vegetarian, but I finally starting liking it. -A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Eating vegetarian doesn’t mean you have to eat boring, humdrum dishes. -Marcus Samuelsson

I did not become a vegetarian for my health, I did it for the health of the chickens. -Isaac Bashevis Singer

I call myself a vegetarian with vegan tendencies. -Leona Lewis

I became a vegetarian after I became aware of factory farming and slaughterhouses and the torture and inhumane handling of all these animals. -Kevin Nealon

But you know, as a kid I would have thought of a vegetarian as a wimp. -Paul McCartney

My mother taught me a lot about respect for all living things – for plants and animals. I am a vegetarian. I was brought up that way. -David LaChapelle


‘Vegetarian’ is a slippery word. I don’t eat cheese, I don’t eat duck – the point is I’m vegan. -Grace Slick

A feminist man is a bit like a vegetarian: it’s the humanitarian principle he’s defending, I suppose. -Rachel Cusk

Further Reading

