Ocasio Cortez Quotes On Socialism

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is notorious for being one of the most uninformed politicians in American history. But the New York Socialist may have just reached a new low. What she just said is almost certainly the dumbest thing that has come from any elected official in the country. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s massive following on the political left. New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has criticized President Donald Trump's use of $28 billion in taxpayer money to rescue farmers from his ongoing trade war with China, saying it's.

She is the youngest member of Congress, at 29, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (CAS’11) is also a magnet for criticism from conservatives, largely because she has self-identified as a “democratic socialist,” made some statements shown to be factually questionable, and been outspoken on social media.

Alexandria ocasio cortez on socialism

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) took to Instagram live on Sunday evening from her kitchen in her Bronx apartment to rant about the Green New Deal, socialism, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), and the end of the world.

In a series of clips preserved on Twitter, the first-year representative blasted her critics and said the world only had “one shot” left to prevent total destruction.

“AOC” ranted about plastic bags — “I wish they didn’t exist” — before pouring herself some wine:

Socialist @AOC mulls banning plastic bags, since she wishes they don’t exist, and pours herself a glass of wine. pic.twitter.com/vKaO0uFHY4

— Gob Abierto (@GobAbiertoBOL) February 25, 2019

As she peeled sweet potatoes, she offered a “special hello to my haters,” noting that she had received death threats, and complaining that people feel “entitled to very private and personal information about me that they don’t ask for from other people”:

Count how many times Socialist @AOC says “like” in this two minute commentary where she shares that she has moved apartments due to death threats (and wanting a second bedroom). Recall, this is an elected official. pic.twitter.com/ffEyX2Kalf

— Gob Abierto (@GobAbiertoBOL) February 25, 2019

“The whole premise of the Green New Deal is that we’re screwed on climate,” she said. “At this point, we don’t even have to prove it — just walk outside in winter in a lot of places, and it’s either way worse than you’re used to, or way warmer than you’re used to.”


Socialist @AOC describes the #GreenNewDeal and tells us if we don’t pass it we’re all screwed and all going to die. pic.twitter.com/MkUl2aG3x6

— Gob Abierto (@GobAbiertoBOL) February 25, 2019

She predicted that the planet would face “disaster if we don’t turn this ship around,” claimed there was a “scientific consensus” that “the lives of children are going to be very difficult,” and said that young people were wondering, as a result, “Is it OK to still have children?”

AOC also bashed Sen. Feinstein, who was confronted by a group of children (and their adult activist chaperones) about the Green New Deal last week. It was “not good enough,” she said, to tell people “I’ve been working on this for X amount of years.” She rejected “watered-down proposals that are, frankly, going to kill us,” an apparent reference to Feinstein’s own climate change policies.

Socialist @AOC discusses how people should reconsider having children due to global warming, and reminds us that we are all going to *literally* die if the Green New Deal doesn’t pass. She also takes some shots at Dianne Feinstein. *Sidenote: She failed to compost her potatoes* pic.twitter.com/6eWhbTbqqB

— Gob Abierto (@GobAbiertoBOL) February 25, 2019

Representative Ocasio Cortez Quotes

She scoffed at the idea that “working on an issue for 30 years, alone … makes someone qualified to solve an issue.” She said that people who had proposed more “ambitious solutions” had “not been listened to.” A carbon tax, she said, would not be enough to solve the problem: “If you think that a carbon tax alone, and no other intervention, is going to fix climate change, you’re part of the problem.” We have “one shot,” she said, because “people didn’t try” to solve the problem for decades before. “And now people are dying — in the thousands,” she claimed.

Socialist @AOC eviscerates @SenFeinstein and calls her a political coward. This is wild. pic.twitter.com/ZQQw7Ibixh

— Gob Abierto (@GobAbiertoBOL) February 25, 2019

She bashed “climate delayers”:

.@AOC on Instagram live: 'We had time when I was born, but – tick tock – nothing got done. As the youngest member of Congress, I wish we didn’t have 12 years. It’s our lungs that are going to get choked with wildfire smoke…Climate delayers are the new climate deniers. '

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Quotes On Socialism

— Kate Aronoff (@KateAronoff) February 25, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez also defended her “Green New Deal” by noting that it “isn’t even a binding bill.” She called opposition to the bill “reprehensible,” and claimed critics were funded by the fossil fuel industry.

.@AOC tries to sell her #GreenNewDeal by saying “if it passes, nothing will even happen.”

That’s how you know it’s a steaming pile of manure. pic.twitter.com/6aNaEbmEEX

— Gob Abierto (@GobAbiertoBOL) February 25, 2019

In addition, AOC rejected the idea of evaluating the crisis in Venezuela as a problem with socialism. Instead, she said, it was “kind of an issue of authoritarianism versus democracy.” It would be just as illogical, she said, for people to point to “Zimbabwe or … other failed states that use capitalist frameworks” as proof of the failure of capitalism. (Zimbabwe’s ruling party and its recently-ousted dictator, Robert Mugabe, defined themselves as socialist.)

Socialist @AOC discusses Venezuela. She says that it has nothing do with socialism but rather is a failure of authoritarianism. She then bizarrely goes on an inane rant citing Zimbabwe as an example of failed capitalism. The poor potato she is cutting could be more coherent. pic.twitter.com/IHW8r6pCZS

— Gob Abierto (@GobAbiertoBOL) February 25, 2019

The original full Instagram video is not yet available online.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. He is also the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Quick Take
Alexandria ocasio cortez on socialism

A viral meme mocks Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for a statement about capitalism versus socialism that she never actually made.

Full Story

Since her victory in the Democratic primary in New York’s 14th Congressional District in the House, and in light of her November general election win, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has attracted no shortage of attention.

Sometimes that spotlight has arrived in the form of newscoverage; other times via viraldeceptions.

In the latest example of the latter, a mememadeviral on Facebook with the help of singer Ted Nugent and others falsely attributes a quote about economics to Ocasio-Cortez.

“Under capitalism, man oppresses man,” the quote reads. “Under socialism, it’s the other way around.”

Corbin Trent, a spokesman for Ocasio-Cortez, told FactCheck.org that the representative-elect had not said that.

Likewise, we could find no evidence Ocasio-Cortez, a democratic socialist, ever did. Instead, we came across references to that quote dating back years, well before the 29-year-old political newcomer entered the public eye.

At a 2013 Liberty Fund event, for example, the economist Russell Roberts of Stanford University’s Hoover Institution cited it in jest.

“My view of capitalism has always been that under capitalism, man oppresses man. But under socialism, it’s the other way around,” he said to laughter. “It’s not my line. I’m told it came from MAD Magazine. And to be honest, it’s not my view—but it does capture the reality that all political and economic systems are imperfect.”

Others have traced it, or some iteration of it, back to the late economist John Kenneth Galbraith.

In 2006, the Atlanticreported:

Ocasio Cortez Quotes On Socialism

Ms Ocasio Cortez

Another remark often attributed to Galbraith is, “Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s just the opposite.” If he didn’t say it, he might as well have. It has an authentically Galbraithian ring: It seems profound, and it’s funny. But it encapsulates perhaps the worst error that a student of economy and society could have made in the past century—the idea that, under the surface, those two systems are pretty much alike, not least ethically. The common man has no standing, no real power, in either case. The main difference resides in which small group of people is actually in charge. That is something that Galbraith certainly appeared to believe. It is a main theme of his writings. And it is a travesty of the truth.

Appearing on Twitter in recent weeks, as well, the misattributed quote has been shared thousands of times across social media. Nugent’s Facebook post of the meme alone garnered nearly 15,000 shares.

Editor’s note: FactCheck.org is one of several organizations working with Facebook to debunk misinformation shared on the social media network.

Ocasio Cortez Quote On Socialism


“Capitalism, Government and the Good Society.” EconStories. YouTube.com. 4 Sep 2013.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Democratic Socialist

Crook, Clive. “John Kenneth Galbraith, Revisited.” The Atlantic. May 2006.

Trent, Corbin. Spokesman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Phone interview with FactCheck.org. 14 Dec 2018.