Ocasio Cortez Iq

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So she can run around and demonize everyone else and so lets ask just a simple question. Whats your IQ Miss AOC. I mean you run around saying howsmart you are. Usually when I encounter a person who says that I have observed that they are typically not that bright. Just like those Nazis whoparade around in 2019 as brown shirt wannabes and we do not need a repeat of that.

Born in the Bronx, Ocasio-Cortez was raised by a mother from Puerto Rico and a father who was a small business owner. After her father passed away from cancer in 2008, Ocasio-Cortez worked two. This is not a Youtube video. This is a virtual cat-call.

So one OP writes me on another thread and writes that her Ocasio Cortez's IQ is 85. So right away I assumed immediately that he, she or other meant 85percentile and that makes AOC smarter than 85% of the population of the earth. Dam, that's pretty darn smart and shes ahead of quite a few people.But after his comment I looked her up via the web to substantiate his claim. So all I did was type in AOC + IQ and what pops up. Nothing! Just someGreen New Deal. But wait. So many people have searched for her IQ a link opens as follows:
Searches related to aoc iq
So once again I am looking for her IQ. I mean if shes smart I want to know as there could be something behind her bombastic outbursts. Meaning, I justmight jump on her side and support her. But I could find NOTHING on her IQ.
So now what did that other OP mean. Was he, she or other connected to her at Boston University and that's her actual IQ score of 85. So is that it?That her IQ is only 85 as 100 is average?

An IQ score of 85 means that your child has dull normal intelligence. In order to raise your child's IQ score, he will have to study. Most IQexams test individuals in areas like math, general knowledge, and science as well as logic/reasoning, visual-spatial skills, and other areas as well.They cover the basics of math like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and also delve into algebra, geometry, and higher levels of math.

Alex Ocasio Cortez

Now that is starting to sound more like it. The Real Deal AOC? Sorry I cant support you until you release your IQ score as inquiring minds want toknow. How about a shout out to those at Boston University. Yep same university that took bribes for acceptance in their school

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez For Congress

edit on 23-6-2019 by Waterglass because: revised

What Is Alexandria Ocasio-cortez Iq Score