Ocasio Cortez 9/11 Quote

Killer quote: 'Whether or not you agree with Omar, Tlaib, and Ocasio-Cortez’s opinions ideologically, they deserve to have a voice in the public debate. So proud of what @IlhanMN, @RashidaTlaib. Some of Omar's Democratic colleagues, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley, have defended Omar, who is Somali-American and wears a hijab. Thursday's cover of the New York.

Earlier this week, Rep. Ilhan Omar spoke at a Muslim rights event where she trivialized the 9/11 tragedy by claiming “some people did something.” She immediately received backlash on the comment from conservatives. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, who is a war hero and a retired Navy SEAL, called Omar out for her position on 9/11.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has become conservatives’ number one enemy as of late, came to the aid of Omar by trashing Crenshaw in a Twitter tirade Thursday afternoon.

“You refuse to cosponsor the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund, yet have the audacity to drum resentment towards Ilhan w/completely out-of-context quotes,” the former bartender tweeted. “In 2018, right-wing extremists were behind almost ALL US domestic terrorist killings. Why don’t you go do something about that?”

As if attacking a war hero wasn’t bad enough, Ocasio-Cortez doubled down on her stance by attacking the New York Post, a publication that didn’t take Omar’s stance lightly and used its front page as a platform to respond to Omar.

In response to Omar’s “some people did something,” the publication wrote: “Here’s your something … 2,977 people dead by terrorism.” This also angered Ocasio-Cortez, so she moved her focus from Crenshaw to the New York Post.

Ocasio Cortez Stupid Quotes

She started by calling the Post’s front page a “horrifying, hateful cover,” before stating: “Here’s 1 fact: @IlhanMN is a cosponsor of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “She‘s done more for 9/11 families than the GOP who won’t even support healthcare for 1st responders- yet are happy to weaponize her faith.”

What Ocasio-Cortez seems to not be aware of is most, if not all, of what she is using for an argument for Omar is simply not true. To start, Ocasio-Cortez claimed the New York Post used “completely out-of-context quotes,” even though they used a direct quote.

What the freshman Congresswoman didn’t mention was how Omar was one of 213 other cosponsors of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act, the Daily Wire reported.

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund was signed into law shortly after 9/11 by the president at the time, George W. Bush. This fund has been renewed years later for those who still need the assistance, The Blaze reported.


As for the attack on Crenshaw, the 29-year-old Congresswoman suggested the former Navy SEAL was not fighting for the families of 9/11. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If anything, he has done more than most in Congress on the matter.

Crenshaw lost one of his eyes while fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and was awarded the Purple Heart, the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor and 2 Bronze Stars, according to Combat Veterans For Congress.

Ocasio Cortez 9/11 Quote

Source: The Tribunist

Ocasio Cortez 9/11 Quote

Earlier this week, Rep. Ilhan Omar spoke at a Muslim rights event where she trivialized the 9/11 tragedy by claiming “some people did something.” She immediately received backlash on the comment from conservatives. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, who is a war hero and a retired Navy SEAL, called Omar out for her position on 9/11.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has become conservatives’ number one enemy as of late, came to the aid of Omar by trashing Crenshaw in a Twitter tirade Thursday afternoon.

Alexander Ocasio Cortez

“You refuse to cosponsor the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund, yet have the audacity to drum resentment towards Ilhan w/completely out-of-context quotes,” the former bartender tweeted. “In 2018, right-wing extremists were behind almost ALL US domestic terrorist killings. Why don’t you go do something about that?”

Alexander ocasio cortez

Alex Ocasio Cortez

As if attacking a war hero wasn’t bad enough, Ocasio-Cortez doubled down on her stance by attacking the New York Post, a publication that didn’t take Omar’s stance lightly and used its front page as a platform to respond to Omar.

In response to Omar’s “some people did something,” the publication wrote: “Here’s your something … 2,977 people dead by terrorism.” This also angered Ocasio-Cortez, so she moved her focus from Crenshaw to the New York Post.

She started by calling the Post’s front page a “horrifying, hateful cover,” before stating: “Here’s 1 fact: @IlhanMN is a cosponsor of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “She‘s done more for 9/11 families than the GOP who won’t even support healthcare for 1st responders- yet are happy to weaponize her faith.”

Andrea Ocasio Cortez

What Ocasio-Cortez seems to not be aware of is most, if not all, of what she is using for an argument for Omar is simply not true. To start, Ocasio-Cortez claimed the New York Post used “completely out-of-context quotes,” even though they used a direct quote.

What the freshman Congresswoman didn’t mention was how Omar was one of 213 other cosponsors of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act, the Daily Wire reported.

The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund was signed into law shortly after 9/11 by the president at the time, George W. Bush. This fund has been renewed years later for those who still need the assistance, The Blaze reported.


Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Actual Quotes

As for the attack on Crenshaw, the 29-year-old Congresswoman suggested the former Navy SEAL was not fighting for the families of 9/11. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If anything, he has done more than most in Congress on the matter.

Crenshaw lost one of his eyes while fighting terrorists in Afghanistan and was awarded the Purple Heart, the Navy Commendation Medal with Valor and 2 Bronze Stars, according to Combat Veterans For Congress.

Ocasio Cortez 9/11 Quote

Source: The Tribunist