Is Lots Of Water Good For Gastritis

Many people across the globe have been suffering from gastric trouble owing to various unhealthy practices. Here are some effective Indian home remedies for gastritis to get rid of the problem with fewer efforts!

Gastritis is needed to be addressed and one must be aware of the symptoms since gastritis causes chest pain and so does a heart attack.

Experts argue that a healthy person should drink up to 2 liters of water per day. For someone it's too much, someone easily overcomes this volume. Everything is very individual and first of all you need to listen to your body. In the case of gastritis, the main rule is to drink sparingly and half an hour before meals. Apples, Berries, Onions, And Celery. To halt the progression of an H. Pylori infection, bring in.

What Exactly is Gastritis?

Gastritis is a stomach disorder where the lining of the stomach gets inflamed resulting in symptoms such as nausea, bloating, a burning sensation in the stomach, vomiting and indigestion.

Gastritis as a result of H. Pylori is routinely treated with antibiotics that kill the bacteria. In addition to antibiotics, several other types of medication are used to treat gastritis: Proton. Drinking green tea with raw honey has several potential benefits for healing gastritis. Drinking warm water can soothe the digestive tract and make digestion easier on your stomach. I eat lamb, red delicious apples, white rice, and lots and lots of coconut water when I have a gastritis flare-up. I can't eat bananas, beef, pork, any vegetables, and certainly no alcoholic beverages or carbonated drinks (didn't like either before so that's no loss). Also, oatmeal is a huge no-no for me. I guess it's different for everyone.

The most common causes of gastritis are excessive consumption of alcohol, stress, the onset of age, regular usage of pain killers, bacterial infection and Chron’s disease.

If you observe that the gastritis symptoms are persistent for more than a week, you must immediately consult your doctor to prevent further complications such as stomach bleeding, ulcers or stomach cancers.

Table of Contents:
Types of Gastritis
Causes of Gastritis
Gastritis Symptoms
Home Remedies for Gastritis Treatment

Types of Gastritis

Excessive Gas: The excessive gas is just a small gas problem caused due to some occasional digestive problems.

Indigestion:Improper digestion is the common cause of gastritis. It is caused by improper diet habits and having foods more than required including all the junk foods. The normal antacids from medical stores are commonly used for this purpose.

Heart Burn: This is caused by stomach acid. The oesophagus mainly gets affected due to this. The throat area gets a burning sensation, and sometimes it even becomes harder to swallow the food. It recommended consulting a doctor in this case.

Bloating: This is generally the point of feeling more pressure in the abdomen. It is mostly seen in people suffering from constipation.

Is Lots Of Water Good For Gastritis Flare

Distension: This is different from all the above cases. It causes the stomach to blow up. The size of the stomach almost doubles after the meal and worsens time by time.

Observing all these conditions we can come to the conclusion of the severity of the gastric. People are recommended to consult a doctor according to their requirement.

Is banana good for gastritis

Causes of Gastritis

The causes of gastritis are simple those are just caused by the general food habits which we ignore. Eating spicy food, excessive drinking, gas-forming foods, too much stress, bacterial infections, digestive problems and not chewing the food properly directly cause gastritis.

These factors lead to gastritis which causes lots of discomfort and uneasiness. This doesn’t need any serious medication. There is some simple kind of remedies for gastritis treatment.

Gastritis Symptoms

Following are some of the symptoms that denote the gastritis effect on the body.

  1. Coating on Tongue
  2. Stomach pain
  3. Bloating in abdomen
  4. Blenching

Indian Home Remedies for Gastritis Treatment

Here are some homemade natural remedies to try which gives rapid effect on gastritis. These remedies are apt for gastritis treatment.

1. Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds which are commonly available in every kitchen are a quick remedy for gastritis treatment. Just casual chewing of fennel seeds also leads to the relief from gastritis cure. This is the reason why we see fennel seeds in every restaurant after the meal.

We can also have it in the form of drink just by adding fennel seed to the boiling water and sipping it. Gastritis will be relieved in about 5-10 minutes.

2. Ginger

Regular use of ginger in your diet can totally prevent gastritis problem from our body. Ginger can be used in direct form just by taking it with some honey in the early morning on an empty stomach which gives the best result.

Ginger usage in tea is the best way to include ginger in our diet. Have ginger tea 2-3 times a day for best results.

3. Garlic

The strong flavours present in garlic help in stimulating gastric gases which result in the relief. Having garlic in direct form is the best way.


It can also be taken in the boiled form by adding up into the rice we eat. Try some garlic soup which helps in direct digestion.

4. Asafetida

Another kitchen preservative and the most commonly used Indian spice is Asafetida. Usage of asafetida in the daily diet just by adding it up in the food we eat can bring a lot of changes to your health.

Asafetida carries strong flavours and pungent smell. Adding just a pinch of the spice can bring in many changes to your health.

Take some paste of asafetida by adding up some water to it and apply it on the stomach and leave it for about 10-15 minutes. Clean it up with a wet cloth.

This method is said to be effective for gastritis cure but the best way to use asafetida as the remedy is to heat the oil a pan for a few minutes and add a pinch of asafetida to this oil before adding other ingredients.

5. Is Cinnamon Good For Gastritis?

One of the powerful and common Indian spices we use is cinnamon. Adding cinnamon to the tea makes the best gastritis home remedy. You can also drink by boiling cinnamon with some water for gastritis treatment.

We can also add cinnamon powder to water or milk and add up some honey which acts as apt treatment resulting in the complete prevention of gastritis.

But, the excessive consumption of cinnamon may cause side effects. Consuming one teaspoon of cinnamon in a day is considered safe.

Water And Gastritis

6. Buttermilk

Everyone loves to have buttermilk after a meal. Just add carom seeds and a pinch of black salt to it, to get relieved of the gastritis problem.

This is the best solution for gastritis treatment since carom seeds and black salt can keep your stomach sane.

7. Lemon and Soda Treatment

It is well-known to all us that soda acts as a perfect remedy for gastritis treatment, and the antioxidants of lemon make the drink much healthier.

The mixture of both these ingredients gives a perfect solution for gastritis treatment.


Add some juice with water and put some baking soda to it. Stir it well and drink this once a day for obtaining relief.

Having it early in the morning is a much better choice.

8. Herbal Tea

The herbal teas are mostly known for weight loss and freshening drinks. But the mint, raspberry, chamomile and blackberry flavoured herbal teas help in proper digestion which automatically results in gastritis treatment.

Having this as a regular habit in the early mornings as a diet plan shows up good results.

9. Cardamom

The regularly used Indian spice for common kitchen things. Add up some cardamom in the daily tea you drink or make some powder and add it up to the food you eat. You can also chew some cardamom seeds twice or thrice a day which results up in gastritis treatment.

10. Coconut Water

Apart from giving hydration and lots of proteins, coconut water also aids in proper digestion. Taking coconut water on a regular basis in the daily diet helps in proper digestion and relieves the gas problem and results in gastritis treatment.

11. Peppermint

As mentioned earlier herbal tea is an excellent way for gastritis treatment. Peppermint leaves on adding up to the daily having tea and adding up honey for flavouring makes the best gastritis cure.

You can also use peppermint in the direct form by chewing leaves twice or thrice a day.

12. Apple Cider Vinegar

The apple cider vinegar is generally used for bettering digestion and can also be used for gastritis treatment. To the warm water, add a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar and drink it after it becomes warm soothing.

13. Coriander

Herbs have a strong hand in curing digestion problems. Coriander, when added up to any food items, increases its flavours.

Coriander can also be used by dry roasting it and adding it to the daily diet. This improves the digestion resulting in the gastritis treatment.

14. Black Pepper

As known, black pepper increases the flavour of the food, people use pepper in the replacement of chillies. Pepper not only enhances the flavour but also helps in improving digestion.

Consumption of pepper increases the flow of gastric juices during the digestion process resulting in gastritis treatment.

15. Cloves

Another Indian spice well known for its medicinal properties and that which helps in improving digestion is cloves.

The gastrointestinal secretion can be increased by the proper usage of cloves in the diet plan.

Their ability to cure indigestion and nausea is what makes them one of the best remedies for gastritis treatment. Cloves can be consumed directly or can be taken in the form of clove oil.

16. Guava Leaves

Guava leaves are the cure for many digestive disorders. Indigestion can be cured by taking some raw guava leaves or by boiling some water and adding the leaves to prepare a healthy drink.

The drink also helps in relieving you from the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Does Cinnamon cause gastritis?

Cinnamon does not cause gastritis. In fact, it is one of the most effective home remedies for gastritis.

You can use cinnamon and honey combination to lose weight and to get rid of gastritis.

Cinnamon is definitely good for gastritis since it also contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Few More Tips To Get Relief

Proper Diet
  • Make a regular diet plan inclusive of some fresh fibre-rich vegetables and fruits.
  • Ensure that you follow a rigid diet plan without fail.
  • Stay away from spicy foods as this may worsen the symptoms. It may also lead to stomach ulcers.
  • Chew the food properly before swallowing it
  • Minimize the amount of alcohol consumption as much as possible.
  • Maintain a regular timing for the food. (Do not skip your meals)
  • Daily have the food on time as you have scheduled. This can cure gastritis for half its way.
Lots of Water

Drink lots of water throughout the day. Set a limit of drinking 2-3 litres of water and set random reminders to drink water so as to reach the target.


Water helps in proper digestion, thereby helping in gastritis treatment. Also, it helps in weight loss and gives you a perfect texture of skin and hair.

Warm Water

Have 1-2 glasses of warm water plainly or add up any ingredient that is mentioned above daily morning on an empty stomach.

This is the easiest gastritis treatment said so far. Have it frequently, and you can see the results.

Follow these tips and remedies in case you are suffering from any sort of gastritis trouble.

Rather than opting for any pharmaceutical medications, these tips show up a definite positive effect for gastritis cure.

Relish Yogurt Twice A Day!

If the cause of gastritis is a bacterial infection, the best remedy you can follow is to consume yoghurt twice in a day.

Yoghurt contains probiotics in it which are a kind of good bacteria, responsible for keeping your gut healthy and clean.

You can simply consume a bowl of fresh yoghurt topped with blueberries and other fruits to reap the maximum health benefits.

Stay Away From Foods That Cause Inflammation

Keeping a check on your diet is particularly essential since gastritis refers to a condition where the stomach lining is already damaged.

Foods high in gluten like bread, pasta, baked goods, cereals, wheat, barley and rye should be totally avoided.

Apart from foods containing gluten, processed foods can sometimes become the major reason behind digestive problems since they have naturally occurring chemicals in them.

Avoid Foods With Added Sugars

Foods that contain added sugars are also the ones that cause inflammation.

Satisfying sweet tooth every once in a while is fine but the regular consumption of foods with added sugars causes inflammation which aggravates the symptoms.

Foods like ice creams, desserts, cookies, foods added with HFCS are to be totally avoided.

Also, sugary drinks contain added sweeteners in them which can increase the inflammation.

Avoid dairy products If You Are Lactose Intolerant

Lactose intolerance is a condition in which a person is unable to digest lactose which is a naturally occurring carbohydrate in dairy products.

This occurs due to the lack of an enzyme called lactase which is needed to digest lactose.

Lactose intolerance can be identified by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating and abdominal cramps.

Here is an exact picture of home remedies to get rid of gastritis,

A healing diet for gastritis and ulcers (an inflammation or irritation of the stomach lining) can significantly ease and improve the discomfort and symptoms that occur with it. Following a gastritis diet menu may also prevent flare-ups while allowing one to enjoy daily activities.

Gastritis can be caused by a number of things including excessive alcohol consumption, chronic vomiting (from illness or bulimia), consistent stress, and certain medications (aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs are two well-known culprits).

But most cases of gastritis and ulcers care caused by an H. pylori infection, which causes major disruptions in the acidic balance of the stomach and gut flora.

In this article:

Why Specific Foods and Diet Are Recommended for Gastritis

Foods that soothe gastritis, such as broccoli sprouts and yogurt, are recommended because they are known to balance out the acidity in the stomach and cool the internal system. Proper nutrition for gastritis issues is critical in treatment and healing.
Peptic ulcers (open sores that develop within the digestive system) often accompany gastritis, and the act of eating is what most often triggers the pain associated with these two gut issues.

Because of this, doctors often start treatment with a simple elimination diet to remove offending foods that are generally known to cause gastritis symptoms in most people. A diet for gastritis sufferers is sometimes the only course of treatment required to get the problem under control. Food can truly be medicine in this case.

Foods to Eat When Suffering from Gastritis

There are certain foods that should be eaten when suffering from gastritis and ulcers because they have a cooling effect on the lining of the stomach and can ease the internal inflammation.

Below is a list of recommended foods to help with a diet for gastritis and reflux. The easiest thing to remember is that a bland diet for gastritis is best.

  • Broccoli sprouts have a chemical in them called sulforpahane, which helps kill H. pylori because it has an antibacterial effect. A 2009 study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research showed that a group of people with H. pylori who ate a cup of broccoli sprouts every day for eight weeks had less stomach inflammation and infection than those who ate the same amount of alfalfa sprouts, which does not contain sulforpahane.
  • Yogurt is also an excellent choice to help restore gut flora back to normal and level out the balance in the stomach. It’s best to choose low-fat or fat-free brands that contain live and active bacterial cultures. Opt for plain yogurt and add honey as a sweetener and to help soothe your stomach.
  • Fruit is a great choice with gastritis (with some exceptions, listed below). Try eating two to four servings a day of apples, bananas, pears, peaches, grapes, melon, and kiwi.
  • Vegetables are also a terrific and soothing choice (again, with some exceptions listed below).
  • Grains help to promote regular bowel movements, which help to prevent or reduce gastritis symptoms. Consume products with a high-fiber content such as brown rice, oatmeal, barley, whole grain breads and cereals, crackers, pasta, and cornmeal.
  • Proteins such as lean meats, fish, poultry, and eggs are all great low-fat foods that will increase your fiber intake. For those on a plant-based diet, choose foods such as nuts, seeds, dried beans and lentils, and soy-based proteins for your gastritis meal plan.
  • Also include applesauce, apple juice, skim milk, and light-flavored, low-fat cheeses.

Foods to Avoid When Suffering from Gastritis

Is lots of water good for gastritis flare

A diet for chronic gastritis will help eliminate any irritation in the stomach. At first it might seem difficult to kick coffee and sugar, but once you realize how much diet plays a part in healing, it won’t be an issue for long.

Below are the beverages and gastritis foods to avoid in your diet if you suffer from gastritis.

  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Tea
  • Spicy foods, including chili and curries
  • Black and red pepper
  • High-fat foods, (these increase the acid in your stomach)
  • All high-fat dairy products, except skim milk and low-fat cheese
  • Tomatoes
  • Tomato products (sauce, paste, canned, juice)
  • Oranges, grapefruit, figs, berries, and dried fruit
  • Junk food
  • Fried food
  • Cured sausages
  • Butter
  • Soft drinks or any drinks with added sugar
  • Carbonated beverages (they increase stomach acid)
  • Citrus and pineapple juice

Herbs Good for Gastritis

Herbs have been used for thousands of years to heal the body and there are quite a few effective herbal remedies for gastritis. Some herbs interact with medications, so make sure to check with your doctor if you are on medication and choose to use one or all of the following.

Is Drinking Lots Of Water Good For Gastritis

Herbs can be consumed as capsules, tinctures, or teas. Work with a nutritionist, herbalist, or naturopathic doctor to get the dosage and formulation that is best for your needs.

  • Cranberry: Some research indicates that cranberry can inhibit the further growth of H. pylori.
  • Mastic: Traditionally used for peptic ulcers, mastic inhibits further growth of H. pylori.
  • Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL): Chewing this is best. Do so one hour before or two hours after meals.
  • Peppermint: This can help relieve the symptoms of peptic ulcers.

Table: Diet for Gastritis and Esophagitis

Foods to EatFoods to AvoidHerbs to Take
Broccoli sproutsCoffeePeppermint
Low-fat dairyTeaDGL
ApplesSpicy foodsMastic
PeachesBlack and red pepper
MelonsHigh-fat dairy
GrapesTomato products
KiwisOranges, grapefruit
ApplesauceFigs, dried fruit
Apple juiceSugary foods
VegetablesFried food
Skim milkCured sausages
Cheese, low-fatButter

Sample Diet Plan for Gastritis

To help you with planning a gastritis diet plan, we have included a sample menu for a seven-day period. Foods can be substituted according to personal preference.

In addition to the meal plan, start each day with one cup of herbal tea followed by a serving of fruit 20 minutes later. Have breakfast 30 minutes after the fruit.

Is Ginger Good For Gastritis

Day One

  • Breakfast – Two slices of whole grain toast with plum jam
  • Snack – Fruit
  • Lunch – Stewed skinless chicken breast with carrots or a cabbage salad
  • Dinner – Brown rice with carrots and broccoli

Day Two

  • Breakfast – Millet-based porridge with raisins, honey, or almonds to taste
  • Snack – Fruit or one cup of sweetened black or green tea (kombucha)
  • Lunch – A bowl of pumpkin soup, brown rice, and tofu
  • Dinner – One medium-sized banana and probiotic yogurt with oat flakes added

Day Three

  • Breakfast – Two slices of whole grain bread with cheese spread and a rocket salad
  • Snack – Lemon balm tea and one medium-sized banana
  • Lunch – Baked trout and green salad with olive oil
  • Dinner – Polenta with pumpkin seeds

Day Four

  • Breakfast – Oat flakes with almonds, honey, banana, and pumpkin seeds or sesame seeds
  • Snack – Chamomile tea and apple slices
  • Lunch – Skinless chicken breast with onion and garlic along with a carrot or beet salad
  • Dinner – Spinach and whole wheat pasta

Day Five

  • Breakfast – Semolina porridge with soy milk and stevia to sweeten
  • Snack – About 10 almonds
  • Lunch – Two eggs, one medium-sized potato, and a leek or beet salad
  • Dinner – A banana shake with alfalfa sprouts, raspberries, and honey

Day Six

  • Breakfast – Dried fruit and a buckwheat salad
  • Snack – Carrot juice
  • Lunch – Mackerel and coleslaw
  • Dinner – Steamed vegetables with mayonnaise and one slice of whole wheat bread

Day Seven

  • Breakfast – One slice of corn flour bread and probiotic yogurt
  • Snack – One medium-sized banana and kombucha
  • Lunch – One piece each of skinless chicken thigh and drumstick with onions
  • Dinner – Muesli balls made with oat flakes, orange juice, almonds, raisins, honey, cinnamon, and coconut flakes

With gastritis, it is important to plan meals and allow time for digestion in between. Knowing what to eat when you have gastritis can go a long way in avoiding symptoms. Start each day with a piece of fruit and avoid drinking water with meals and immediately afterwards.
In addition to a change in food choices, lifestyle changes may include limiting or avoiding caffeine and alcohol intake, reducing stress, and avoiding smoking. Also, be sure to participate in regular exercise three to five times weekly.
Having a gastritis condition means that you will have to limit consumption of your favorite foods to prevent a flare-up of painful symptoms. A special diet for gastritis can also offer comfort with a variety of foods and an abundance of flavors to satisfy every palate.

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Sources for Today’s Article:
“Gastritis,” Medicine Net web site;, last accessed March 22, 2016.
“Gastritis Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid,” Foods4BetterHealth;,
“What Is Gastritis,” Web MD web site;, last accessed March 22, 2016.
“A List of Foods that You Can Eat with Gastritis,” Livestrong web site;, last accessed March 22, 2016.
“What to Eat When You Have Gastritis,” Health One How To web site;, last accessed March 22, 2016.
“Diet for Ulcers and Gastritis,” Drugs web site;, last accessed March 22, 2016.
“Foods to Avoid for Gastritis,” Livestrong web site;, last accessed March 22, 2016.
“Foods to Avoid during Gastritis,” The Times of India web site;, last accessed March 22, 2016.
“Gastritis,” University of Maryland Medical Center web site;, last accessed March 22, 2016.
Wickham, E., “A List of Foods That You Can Eat with Gastritis,” Livestrong, August 14, 2017;, last accessed September 19, 2017.
“Gastritis Diet Menu,” Ketogenic Diet Menu;, last accessed September 19, 2017.